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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

In influence, never ruin friendship / relationship

I have a short story to tell you.

There are three friends A, B and C. B was the BEST friend of A, B always there for A whatever is the condition good or bad, one day there was some dispute happened between A and C, C did something wrong which was not good for A, so A and C start stay away from each other, no Hi no bye, as a best friend B also started stay away and stopped talking, listening everything from C for forever. B was doing that because C did wrong with his/her best friend A. B ruined his relationship with C just for the sake of friendship with A.

But after few months, B sees that the A starts initiate talking, liking things on FB of C, start establish friendship like never nothing has happened. In all this only B became fool, you know why, B ruined his friendship with C for forever just because of A, and now A and C become friends again.

Many of us suffered like B, So moral of the story is that never break your friendship/relation with someone until you have your own issues with person. For friendship sake never ruin your relation/friendship with any other friend or person.

#friendship #relationship  #friend #story #moralofstory #experience #relation #lifeExperiences

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